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At ARAM, we teach the technique in a traditional way, based on the observation and analysis of nature. Our approach focuses on developing a skilled eye and the ability to express creativity through the representation of reality.


We encourage critical thinking in our students, enabling them to use resources and tackle academic and personal projects. We promote discipline and rigor in the search for your own artistic language in the contemporary context.


Based on the procedures of 19th century European ateliers, our teaching method involves a workshop environment that combines individual instruction with group critique. Students will master methods such as block in, sight size and comparative measurement throughout our comprehensive program.


What skills will you gain upon graduation 

At the end of the complete study program, the student will have the following tools 

Use of iconography in composition


Understanding the interaction of light on objects.


Understanding the interaction of light on objects


Agility in decision-making in pictorial processes


Understanding the interaction of light on objects


We are the first art academy certified by the Art Renewal Center

Art Renewal Center (ARC) is a nonprofit educational foundation seeking to lead the revival of academic realism in the visual arts. The ARC is the main and only supervision service for realist art schools that ensures that the curriculum taught, as well as the quality of the instructors and the students' work meet the strict standards to belong to the list of ARC Approved Schools.

One of the objectives of ARAM in conjunction with the Art Renewal Center (ARC) is to recover the artistic expressions polished over several centuries by the old masters in the history of art, participating in a dialogue with contemporary art in an effort to bring back the traditional technical disciplines of the visual arts, based on an armored skill of academic virtuosity and technical excellence. For the first time in Mexico, the doors are opened to this classical training.


About Us

At ARAM, our mission is to bring academic classical art to Mexico, providing a first-class education in drawing, painting and sculpture. Founded in January 2020 in the city of Querétaro, ARAM is inspired by the European academies of the 19th century to provide our students with a deep knowledge of the visual arts.

Nuestros instructores

En ARAM, contamos con un equipo de profesionales apasionados y dedicados al arte. Nuestro staff está conformado por artistas reconocidos y educadores expertos que comparten una visión común: inspirar y guiar a la próxima generación de talentos artísticos.

Directora General

Adriana Ruiz

Fundadora y Directora de Programa

Raquel Basurto

Instructor Tridimensionales


Instructora Dibujo


Instructor de Historia del Arte

Instructor de Dibujo Estructural

Instructor Pintura

Ricardo Celma


Instructor Escultura

Daniel Barreto

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Instructor Pintura

Isabel Garmon


Instructor Pintura

Andrés Alarcón

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Instructor Dibujo y Pintura

Michele Bajona


Instructora Pintura

Patricia Guzmán

Patricia Guzmán.jpg

Instructor Escultura

Miguel Marca

Instructor Dibujo

Antonino Sierra

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Instructor Retrato

Kevin Müller

Instructor de Figura Humana

Thibault Barrere

Instructora de Figura Humana

Gustavo Velasco

Instructor de Figura Humana

Tsune Orozco

Instructor de Figura Humana

Cesar Meza

Instructora de Escultura

Cristina Zamora

Instructora de Figura Humana

Paola Ripoll

Instructor de Historia del Arte

Rodolfo Villavicencio

Instructores Pasados

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